The Power of Femininity


Speaker: Lighthouse Workshops


We are Nature and all that comes with Her;

strong, nurturing, untamed, wise, regenerative and wild.

These powerful internal qualities are available for us to use every day, and yet many of us don’t realize this or know how to tap into them.
 If we, women tap into our true feminine power, the question is not “What can we achieve?” But “What can we not!

In today’s world it’s more important than ever for us as women to discover and develop our true individual voices and strength. Being powerful doesn’t mean having control over others, it's about cultivating ourselves from our essence.

Come experience a different way to connect to your true feminine power and learn why Nature is a vital part of this process. Join Tina Wong and Carol Haggerty as they guide you through an experiential workshop to discover and define the power of femininity for yourself.


Note: This workshop is for women only, there will also be a mens only workshop in May.

Date: April 22nd, 2017

Time: 10:45AM-1:30pm

Location: 146 W 29th st between 6th and 7th Avenues
Suite 8W (8th Floor) 

You can also RSVP by calling (866) 452-3965

Cost: $20
